How Seasonal Changes Can Affect Your Auto Insurance

How Seasonal Changes Can Affect Your Auto Insurance

Here in Yellowknife—and throughout the Northwest Territories—seasonal changes have a profound effect on the way we live. Driving when the roads are covered in snow and ice is more dangerous, so how those changes can affect your premiums is complex.

There aren’t any insurers who provide seasonal auto insurance here in the Northwest Territories, but there are plenty of ways you can change your policy to reflect seasonal changes. Let’s take a look at how the seasons can affect your insurance coverage: 

Does Winter Driving Affect My Premiums?

Winter driving doesn’t directly affect your insurance premiums—imagine if your premiums had to be adjusted every winter! 

Here’s where things get more interesting: While winter driving doesn’t directly affect your premiums, winter driving significantly increases the risk of accidents. When you get in an accident, your premiums increase—that’s why winter driving can indirectly increase your insurance premiums. 

Can I Purchase Seasonal Car Insurance?

There are no seasonal car insurance policies in Canada, but that doesn’t mean you can’t modify your policies based on seasonal use. Not everyone uses their vehicles all year round.

You can consider purchasing car insurance policies on a shorter term for your vehicles; that can help you save money on vehicles you don’t plan on driving year-round. You’ll want some insurance for when your vehicle is in storage over the winter, but this type of insurance is different from standard auto insurance.

Comprehensive Insurance for Vehicles in Storage

Comprehensive insurance protects your vehicle from damage, theft, and vandalism while it’s in storage. We highly recommend switching from your standard auto insurance policy to comprehensive insurance anytime your vehicle is in storage in order to save money.

While comprehensive insurance protects your vehicle from a wide variety of risks, it does not provide accident benefits or liability coverage; as such, you cannot drive a vehicle with comprehensive insurance on the road. Contact us if you want to switch to comprehensive coverage when storing a seasonal vehicle; we’ll find the best coverage from your insurance provider to help you maintain year-round coverage.

Winter Tires and Insurance

Some insurance companies may offer a discount when you swap from summer tires to winter tires in the winter months. Drivers should switch to winter tires even if there aren’t any discounts; they can drastically reduce the risk of accidents, which can indirectly lead to lower premiums.


Whether it’s through purchasing insurance policies for shorter terms, adjusting your policy to comprehensive insurance when you’re not driving your vehicle, or swapping your tires in the winter month, there are many steps you can take to adjust to the seasonal changes that affect your insurance.

You might need insurance for your classic car in the summer months or insurance for a snowmobile that you drive every winter. No matter what kind of seasonal insurance needs you have, the team at Nation North can help. We’ve been providing Yellowknife insurance for years; we can find the best policy for you.